Abu Dhabi Tourism Deck Design
Gulf Africa Royal Club Branding Concept
Voice It Initiative Branding
A few attempts in branding a unique initiative.
Option 1: Transcending Box
Inspiration: The box symbolizes the issues people generally are afraid to share in public but, through this initiative, it enables them to transcend the boundaries of their “container” and to reverberate their issues.
Option 2: Islamic Cube
Inspiration: Building on the inspiration of Option 1, this puts a touch of islamic influence on the logoform, showing the traditional 6-sided star alongside a 3D rendition of a box.
Raqam Branding
A cool idea for a social channel that deserves an equally cool brand ident.
Option 1 – Modified hashtag, currently also the universal symbol of online social engagements. Also represents a crop mark – used to highlight essential parts of a visual, in this case, highlighting a certain figure in a sea of information.
Options 2A & 2B – The form represents statistics and visualized numbers. Data connected by a line to see trends forecast the future and aid in making good decisions.